EYE21 is the first and only system in the world of mobility aids for the blind people which allows i
(Clic: 229;Página web añadida: Jul 28, 2013)
- LINK: eye2021.es
- País: España
- Palabra 1: centro
- Palabra 2: ivnestigacion
- Palabra 3: tecnologias
- Palabra 4: helping
- Palabra 5: helping
- Palabra 6: people
- Palabra 7: ciegos
- Palabra 8: ciegas
- Palabra 9: eye21
- Palabra 10: eye 2021
EYE21 is a system for helping blind people to perceive the surrounding environment. A 3D acquisition system detects the objects depth and direction and generates a 3D sound in each 3D position of the space. The blind user perceives an acoustic sound f